Hi There

I am Aryan

Front-end Developer Student

About us

A bit about me

I am a 15 year old with 1 year front-end development experience. I can make 3d icons and designs in vectary and create awesome animations with GSAP. I also know basic python side-by-side and can make small games in pygame.

I live In Delhi, the heart of India. While I am aspiring to be in Microsoft, I also have started freelancing on fiverr. Not made any gig though yet. I know React, Node and GatsbyJS. My main projects include an E-commerce site and A portfolio site.


Year Experience Working


Desktop Dev

Desktop development in python's tkinter module and games using pygame.

ui design

Design app UI and web UIs using figma. Convert any icon into 3d using vectary.


Front-end web development using html, css, js. Javascript frameworks include Gatsby, Node and React.

seo optimize

Optimize seo ranking of project sites. Check this site's seo. Press Ctrl+Shift+I and then Choose the Lighthouse tab.

Recently Done Projects

Vorizon - E-commerce site

E-commerce, web

Portfolio Site

Portfolio, template